Unemployment: It is a situation where a person is ready and willing to work at the prevailing wage-rate but doesn’t get work.

Work Force Participation Rate(Ratio):- It is measured as the ratio between workforce and total population of a country.

Types of workers:
i. Self employed
i. Casual Workers
ii. Regular Workers(Salaried)

Casualisation and informalisation of employment:Casualisation refers to a situation when the percentage of casually hired workers in the total workforce tends to rise over time.

Informalisation: Refers to a situation when people tend to find employment more in informal sector of the economy, and less in formal sector of the economy.

Types of unemployment:

1. Rural unemployment
a. Seasonal Unemployment
b. Disguised Unemployment

2. Other types of unemployment
a. Open
b. Frictional
c. Structural
d. Cyclical

3. Urban Unemployment
a. Industrial Unemployment
b. Educated Unemployment
c. Technological Unemployment

  • Frictional unemployment is defined as the unemployment that occurs because of people moving or changing occupations.
  • Structural unemployment is defined as unemployment arising from technical change such as automation, or from changes in the composition of output due to variations in the types of products people demand. For example, a decline in the demand for typewriters would lead to structurally unemployed workers in the typewriter industry.
  • Cyclical unemployment is defined as workers losing their jobs due to business cycle fluctuations in output, i.e. the normal up and down movements in the economy as it cycles through booms and recessions over time.
  • Open Unemployment refers to that situation wherein the worker is willing to work and has the necessary ability to work yet he does not get work and remains unemployed for full time.
  • Seasonal Unemployment:- It refers to a situation where a number of person that are not able to find a job in a particular season.
  • Disguised unemployment is a kind of unemployment in which some people look like being employed but are actually not employed fully. This situation is also known as Hidden Unemployment. In such a situation more people are engaged in a work than required.In other words it refers to a situation of employment with surplus manpower in which some workers have zero marginal productivity. For example in rural areas, this type of unemployment is generally found in agricultural sector.
  • Technological Unemployment:- A somewhat structural unemployment may take place in an economy as a result of technological improvement. Such unemployment may be described as technological unemployment. Due to the introduction of new machinery, improvement in methods of production, labour-saving devices etc., some workers tend to be replaced by machines. Their unemployment is termed as “technological unemployment.”
  • Educated Unemployment:- Among the educated people, apart from open unemployment, many are underemployed because their qualification does not match the job. Faulty education system, mass output, preference for white collar jobs, lack of employable skills and dwindling formal salaried jobs are mainly responsible for unemployment among educated youths in India. Educated unemployment may be either open or underemployment.
  • a. Slow rate of economic growth
    b. Population explosion
    c. Underdeveloped agriculture
    d. Defective educational system
    e. Slow growth of Industry
    f. Decline of cottage and small industry.
    g. Faulty planning
    h. Inadequate employment planning.
    i. Low capital formation.
    j. Excessive use of Foreign Technology
    k. Lack of financial resources
    l. Increase in labour force

    Remedial measures for unemployment:

    a. Accelerating growth rate of GDP
    b. Control of population growth
    c. Development to small scale enterprises.
    d. Encouragement in infrastructure.
    e. Special employment programmes.
    f. Rapid industrialisation.

    Special programmes to fight poverty and unemployment:

    Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA)
    Its a significant recent attempt of govt, offering guaranteed employment to those in the rural areas who are below poverty line.
    a. Swarnjyanti sahari Rozgar yojna.
    b. Swarnjyanti Gram Swarozgaar yojna.
    c. Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Rozgar yojna.

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