
Showing posts from August, 2020


Online classes can present unique challenges in this Pandemic situation. If you develop skills for effective online learning, you’ll find the classes can be an excellent alternative to a traditional classroom setting. Here are some tips for online learning success to make sure you get the most value out of your next class- 1. Treat an online class like a “real” class. When it comes to online classes, you need to have the discipline to sit down and say, “I am going to work on this,” as well as the dedication to actually follow through. One of the easiest ways to ensure follow through is to remember that you are paying to take this online course, just as you would for a traditional, in-person class. You must “show up” if you’re going to get real value out of your class. 2. Hold yourself accountable Set goals at the beginning of the class, and check in with yourself weekly. 3. Practice time management Look at the syllabus at the start of the class and make note of major assign